
East Loch Ericht

The Group area extends to approximately 35,800 hectares (88,000 acres) of which 29,000 hectares (71,500 acres) is available open hill Red deer range.  The Group comprises 12 landholdings of which two are under the same ownership.  Most of the landholdings are individual estates, two are outlying parts of larger estates that also form parts of other neighbouring DMGs and one is a farm.  There are also four commercial forest blocks that are fenced out of the Red deer range.

Most landholdings are mixed use estates.  At the north of the Group area North Drumochter and Dalnaspidal estates are primarily managed grouse moors with deer interests.  The remainder of the estates are primarily deer forests with grouse management as a secondary objective.  Most properties have some agriculture, mainly hill sheep.  There is more woodland cover in the southern half of the Group area with large areas of native woodland (both planted and naturally occurring) and commercial forestry.

The Group is a member of the Highland Perthshire Communities Partnership.